"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

12 November 2023


Ari Weinzweig on beliefs and stories ...
None of us are likely to come up with our best work wholly on our own.
He quotes a poem by Ra Avis ...
A friend tells me about forgotten constellations, and I think about everything that has been un-imagined, and then forgot. The stories, the futures, the pasts. …

I try to do the math of it. The math of blessing, art, & treasure. The math of constellation, moon, & tide. It goes like this.

What we imagine, plus what we take in, plus what we give away, multiplied by everything we've forgotten.

The trick of math, a teacher once explained, is that the equal sign is the center of a scale that stays balanced at all costs.

Whatever transformation is needed will come.

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