"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

30 January 2022


Seaby, Nightingale, 1927

Anything worth thinking about is worth singing about.
Which is why we have songs of praise, songs of love, songs of sorrow.
Songs to the gods, who have so many names.
Songs of the shepherds sing, on the lonely mountains, while the sheep are honoring the grass, by eating it.
The dance-songs of the bees, to tell where the flowers, suddenly, in the morning light, have opened.
A chorus of many, shouting to heaven, or at it, or pleading
Or that greatest of love affairs, a violin and a human body.
And a composer, maybe hundreds of years dead.
I think of Schubert, scribbling on a cafe napkin.
Thank you, thank you.

Mary Oliver

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