"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

30 July 2024


Kurt reminds us of our debt ...
It is entirely possible to live out an entire life without experiencing the civic protections that can become so contingently vital to us at vital moments.  Even if we never need the help of the courts, or of the policeman, or of the Bill of Rights, that they are there for us in the event of need distinguishes our society from most others.  To alert us to their presence, however dormant in our own lives, tends also to encourage a citizenry alert to the privileges the individual might one day need or enjoy.  This enjoyment, this answering of needs, can make us proud of our country - and put us in its debt.

William F. Buckley Jr., from Gratitude
Where is our next Buckley, Bennett, or even Buchanan?

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