"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

15 January 2025


Steve points to important things ...
The world can get better but people don’t feel it – they can even feel like they’re going backwards – because once a problem is solved it’s replaced by a new one, often with the same level of anxiety, fear, and anger.

A few things I keep in mind:
  • In a way, the best definition of progress is when you’ve knocked out the major issues and are left dealing with lower, less-severe ones.
  • Stress is an innovator. Nothing incentivizes like worry, so we should never want a world where people see everything as perfect.
  • People are problem solvers. It’s a great characteristic and the source of all progress. But when solving problems is core to your identity, you occasionally see trouble where none exists.
  • Being angry can be an intoxicating feeling. It offers a sense of moral superiority, because when you accuse others of causing problems, you’re implying that you are better than them. It feels great, and in a strange way some people love being pissed off.
  • The dumber the disagreements, the better the world actually is.

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