"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

21 June 2024


Dawson, The Clipper Ship Midnight, 1924


Over seas and far away
Heave away boys
Sea dogs sail their lives away
Heave away boys

Ghosts of sea dogs at break of day
Crusty beards and coats of grey
Weigh the anchor let’s be away
From this day on we’re carried by the wind

Over seas and far away
Heave away boys
Sea dogs sail their lives away
Heave away boys

Creaky decks and ruthless men
Ruled by the lash where some met their end
The old world was new in all directions then
Conquered by a few at the loss of so many

Over seas and far away
Heave away boys
Sea dogs sail their lives away
Heave away boys

Crusty beards and bloodshot eyes
Squint up at the sun
Horizons hold fast and seduce the sea dogs over
Some live to tell tall tales
And some never returned
Leaving only their dreams
Carried by the sea

Colin Hay

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