"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

10 March 2024


There are two paths to magic: Imagination and paying attention.  Imagination is the fiction we love, the truths built of falsehoods, glowing dust on the water's surface.  Pay attention is about intentional noticing, participating in making meaning to lend new weight to our world.  An acorn.  The geometry of a beehive.  The complexity of whale song.  The perfect slowness of a heron.

Real magic requires your intention, your choice to harmonize.  Of course it does.  The heron cannot cast starlight onto the dark shadows to entrance the bluegills.  Not unless you do your part.  You must choose to meet her halfway.  And when you do, you may find that magic isn't a dismissal of what's real.  It's a synthesis of it, the nectar of fact becoming the honey of meaning.

Jarod K. Anderson

Thank you, Steve.  That's good.  The sixth-graders'll get a taste of this tomorrow.

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