"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

19 July 2022


Produced in Catalonia, Garrotxa is a traditional Spanish goat's milk cheese. It had virtually become extinct by the 1980's, but it was revived in 1981. Today, Garrotxa is produced by a small number of cheesemakers who are dedicated to revitalizing this cheese.

Historically, Spain, unlike other European countries, did not develop as many cheeses for commercial sale. However, recent years have seen this trend reversed. New cheesemakers have inspired a renaissance of traditional and formerly-extinct cheeses, like Garrotxa, as well as the introduction of many new varieties.

Made from pasteurized goat's milk, Garrotxa is shaped into 2lb rounds and matured for between three and four weeks in natural caves. The cheese develops a suede-like dark gray rind, inspiring its other moniker: "Pell Florida," which means "bloomy rind" in the Catalan dialect.

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