"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

06 April 2016



I want to walk
with you through parks,
for your laugh & blue sea
for the boats.
For red moon,
black dress,
wide widow.
Omonia Square,
For buses
& the sellers
of peacock feathers
& for the rain.

I did not think
I would see Greece
again. But I do
see. & hear the gypsies
playing clarinets
& violins.
& hear gypsies
dancing in the streets.

I will write poems
in a cold house
with an open oven.
I will think of Crete,
its wild oregano
& trees punctuated
by apostrophes of figs.
Every thing
will be magic.

The night will be black
& the stars will fall.
The moon will be a lantern
in the blackness.
You will be
a fisherman
or a net.
& I will be
a herd, of birds,
that body in the sky, there,

Aracelis Girmay

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