"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

16 June 2020


The American Spectator considers the consequences of defunding the police ...

In the heat of the moment, no plan seems necessary for simultaneously getting rid of cops and keeping the public safe. It’s just going to happen: assuming you believe in grand overhauls of a human disposition regarded over the centuries as less than consistently “sweet” or “nice.”

While we’re waiting for it to happen, we might hold up to the light an irony or two in terms of workability. The defund cause comes from the left, the same political quarter from which proceeds the movement to restrict or abolish the right to carry guns. Thus, along with the invention of a new, no-cops world goes the disarming of those most doubtful of the whole notion. These people you’re going to talk into leaving their doors unlocked at night while their national leaders work to abolish “systemic racism.” Uh-huh.


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