"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

09 June 2019



For Jews, eating is the covenant 
A way to enter the holy tent 
Consuming bread 
Is leaven from heaven 
Ingesting what God has said. 

A bagel made of wheat 
Had Mesopotamia.as its seat 
It grew 6000 years ago 
till it got just so. 

The bagel is a kind of roll 
You can tell; it has a hole 
On any table, it is royal 
The sole roll that needs a boil. 

As you will see, its story features 
Kings, cooks, all sorts of creatures 
From the Middle East, it takes a walk 
till it ends up in New York. 

Its made of flour, water, yeast and malt. 
Then you add a bit of salt 
But to give that roll its soul 
It needs mythology to fill that hole. 

Without beginning nor end 
Like Jewish life, it takes a bend 
Warding off the evil eye 
Bringing good luck by and by. 

And because of its savor 
It charms women in labor 
When the teeth are incomin 
It helps with the gummin. 

They started out plain as sin 
Now all kinds are in the bin 
Garlic, onion cinnamon. 
Chocolate chip, sprouted wheat, jalapena,. 

At one time, men in yarmulkes 
Made them with a twist 
But, a machine came on, and 
Thanks to you Brits 
The real bagel called it quits. 

As to its origins 
Look to those twins 
A cousin in the doughnut 
Another in the pretzel, but 
Then it gets more murkey 
With a victory over Turkey. 

Bagels might more likely please 
Schmeared with lox and cream cheese 
Me, I prefer returning to fundamentals 
Though that might be bad for my dentals. 

The bagel has become a symbol 
A thimble, by which is sewn 
A cloak, a rug, a ring on a finger 
A crunch, all together in a bunch. 

If you listen to the munch 
You will hear a kind of kvetch 
Sounding a clarinetish krekhts 
Slowly ending its soulful life 
Of strife. 

All that’s left of the roll 
Is its hole.

Cyril Robinson

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