"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

09 March 2018


David McCullough sits down with Face the Nation to discuss the evolution of political leadership and the importance of an awareness and respect for those that came before ...

... [W]e've had times that have been more unsettling, more worrisome, more painful, more costly than what we're going through now.  We think this is so bleak and unpromising because we really don't know what we've been through before and how we came through it.

When asked to define the American character ...

At best ... honesty, courage, strength of character, and faith in our way of life.  Belief that what those predecessors of ours, those pilgrims, those pioneers, worked so hard to attain, is something that we are obligated to know about and also, not just to sustain, but to improve. 

Make yourself useful.  Don't boast about yourself.  Don't get too full of yourself.  Be kind.  Be modest.

Thanks, Mom.

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