"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

02 January 2018



A song to thee, fair State of mine,
Michigan, my Michigan.
But greater song than this is thine,
Michigan, my Michigan.
The thunder of the inland sea,
The whisper of the towering tree,
United in one grand symphony
Michigan, my Michigan.

I sing a song of all the best—
Michigan, my Michigan.
I sing a State with riches blessed—
Michigan, my Michigan.
Thy mines unmask a hidden store,
But richer thy historic lore,
More great the love thy builders bore,
Michigan, my Michigan.

Glow fair the bosom of thy lakes,
Michigan, my Michigan.
What melody each river makes,
Michigan, my Michigan.
As to thy lakes thy rivers tend,
Thy exiled ones still to thee send
Devotion that shall never end,
Michigan, my Michigan.

Rich in the wealth that makes a State,
Michigan, my Michigan.
Great in the things that make men great,
Michigan, my Michigan.
Eager the voice that sounds thy claim,
Under the golden roll of Fame,
Willing the hand that writes the name,
“Michigan, my Michigan.”

Douglas Malloch

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