“Everybody’s down here,” I said, “who’s up in heaven with God and the Son?”
“Oh, some saints and mystics and students of metaphysics 101.
People who care and share and love and try to do what’s right.
Beautiful old souls who read little stories to their babies at bedtime every night.
What you won’t find up in heaven are Christian-coalition, right-wing conservatives, Country program directors, and Nashville record executives.”
“Now,” I said, “I made some mistakes but I’m not as bad as those guys.
How can God do this to me can’t you sympathize?”
He said, “You’re wrong about God being cruel and mean.
God is the most loving thing that’s never been seen.”
“Well, hot shot,” I said, “Tell me this: which religion is the truest?”
“They’re all about the same,” he said “Buddha was not a Christian, but Jesus would have made a good Buddhist.”
Ray Wylie Hubbard, from “Conversation with the Devil”
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