"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

05 March 2024


Tiepolo, Perseus and Andromeda, 1733


At last alighting mid the foam, the bold
Medusa's and the monster's conqueror Knight,
Streaming with bloody spume of horrid sight,
Bears off the virgin with the locks of gold.

On Chrysaor's brother, steed of heavenly mould,
That neighs, and paws the sea in mad despite,
He seats the dear one, shamed, of desperate plight,
Who laughs and sobs within his arms' strong fold.

He clasps her close. Round them the surges beat
She raises feebly to the croup her feet
A wandering billow kisses as they fly;

But Pegasus, inflamed by ocean's stings,
With one bound rising at the Hero's cry,
Sweeps the dazed heavens with his fiery wings.

José-Maria de Heredia

Thank you, Dr. Richardson

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