"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

03 July 2021


A reminder from Cultural Offering points to our comeuppance ...
[W]e’re sitting here like programmed robots ready to repeat the same mistakes. Again. And again. We insist on the same entities, the same leaders, the same approach. Why? Because we’re deeply unserious. We are the definition of fools.

If we are really serious about winning (which I question), the movement and party need to look in the mirror. Quite frankly, the majority of the donors(not the self-interested corporatists and vulture capitalists, but the genuinely concerned citizens), need to have a conversation with their mirrors, too. It’s time for them to realize they’ve been taken for fools. While the Left has been fully focused on winning, we haven’t even been in the real game. We need to be really focused now on the things it will actually take to save the republic. And it’s not another white paper or tax cut.

Thanks, Kurt.

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