"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

11 July 2012


Old MacDonald had an organic urban rooftop farm, EEE-I-EEE-I-O! And on that farm he had a vegan girlfriend named September who he met at a sheep shearing class at 3rdWard in Brooklyn who was totally hot and was totally into the rooftop-farming thing until she realized that she liked going to the Hamptons a whole lot more so she dumped Old MacDonald for a documentary filmmaker/personal trainer/DJ/sushi chef/surfboard shaper/trust fund baby whose father owns half of East Hampton.

… And on that farm he had a tattoo of Tony Danza with the words WHO’S THE BOSS written underneath it on his right forearm but then he saw a guy on the L train with a tattoo of the whole cast of Saved By The Bell on his thigh, which got him thinking that maybe he should get another tattoo of Alyssa Milano and that woman who played her mom on his other forearm, you know, to up the irony-ante.

… And on that farm he had these things called ‘ramps,’ which are totally trending in restaurants right now, especially in areas like Greenpoint and Bushwick where sometimes, even in a low-key place on a butt-ugly block across the street from the projects, a pretty basic salad with some ramps in it will cost like 12 bucks but then they’re all like, ‘we’re cash only,’ which is bullshit because if you can charge 12 bucks for a salad, 24 for an entrĂ©e and another 12 for a glass of wine, then you probably can afford to cut a deal with American Express.

Rest the rest (YES! THERE"S MORE!) at McSweeney's.

Thanks, Veerle. A thousand times, thank you!

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