"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

11 August 2011


This quote from Execupundit reminded me of an old Steve Martin bit ...

Excuse me! I feel good tonight, because, uh.. well, I've finally got a goal in life, and that's.. that's what pleases me, is to be able to have a goal, and this is why I'm so happy, because ... it's important - the thing you have to learn, in having a goal, is not to set an impossible goal, something too high you can never reach. You gotta have a series of smaller goals, that you can accomplish, and slowly work your way up. And this is what I have done. That's why I'm so happy. My goal: right now, I want to be the all-being master of time, space and dimension. Then, I want to go to Europe - I think.

- Steve Martin

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