"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

18 June 2024


Philosophers have said that music is most divine, that music, like God, is invisible. You can't see it. It's intangible. And yet it has this most penetrating of effects. And so it is a direct emanation of the transcendent beauty of the beloved.  Music speaks concordantly to a troubled world, dispelling loneliness and discontent, its voice discovering in it those deep recesses of thought and feeling where truth implants itself. Music offers no quarter for compromise, no excuses, no subterfuge, no shoddy workmanship. And we sense in music an extension of ourselves, a reminder of our own potential for perfection.  Life has conflicts and pleasures, harmony and dissonance. That's how life is. Can't escape it. By the way, the same thing occurs in music. There are dissonances in harmony, and resolutions. I believe that you won't enjoy the resolution unless you have that dissonance. What would it be if we didn't have the dissonance? We wouldn't know the meaning of the resolution.

Seymour Bernstein

On espressivo ...

Upbeater or downbeater?

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