"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

01 January 2024


This is now the winter time,
    My merry gentlemen
Yule logs are burning in your hall,
Fair forms are circling in the ball,
And cups are filled with purple wine
To aid the pudding and the chine.

This is now the winter time;
    Remember, gentles, then,
That none shall starve while you dine;
That none shall thirst who grow the vine.
Yet give no alms in mean award,
But spread the just, the well-earned board.
This is now the winter time,
    My noble gentlemen.

This is now the winter time,
    My reverent clergymen;
Christ came to save in winter time,
And not in summer's sultry prime:
And He your pattern sure must be
When glows with red the holly tree.

This is now the winter time,
    Remember, clerks all, then,
That Christ in winter came to save
Not only souls, but bodies brave.
The bread His body, and the wine
His blood. Then spread the feast divine;
This is now the winter time,
    My Christian clergymen.

This is now the winter time,
    My honest working men,
"Weave truth with trust," ye weavers, then,
And "draw straight furrows," farming men,
And with good grace and no hard knocks —
Take justice for a Christmas box.

This is now the winter time,
    Remember, workers, then,
That none should starve while others have,
That Christ in winter came to save,
And, but in no alms-taking way,
Accept your rights on New Year's day.
This is now the winter time,
My gallant working men.

Goodwyn Barmby

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