"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

03 December 2021


The Country Life is to be preferr’d; for there we see the Works of God; but in Cities little else but the Works of Men: And the one makes a better Subject for our Contemplation than the other.   

As Puppets are to Men, and Babies 1 to Children, so is Man’s Workmanship to God’s: We are the Picture, he the Reality.   

God’s Works declare his Power, Wisdom and Goodness; but Man’s Works, for the most part, his Pride, Folly and Excess. The one is for use, the other, chiefly, for Ostentation and Lust.   

The Country is both the Philosopher’s Garden and his Library, in which he Reads and Contemplates the Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God.

It is his Food as well as Study; and gives him Life, as well as Learning.
A Sweet and Natural Retreat from Noise and Talk, and allows opportunity for Reflection, and gives the best Subjects for it.   

In short, ’t is an Original, and the Knowledge and Improvement of it, Man’s oldest Business and Trade, and the best he can be of.
William Penn

Thanks for the image, Kurt.

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