"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

03 October 2019


Wyeth, Pine Needles, 1948


Ripe are October's glories : Come away ! 
Hushed are the waiting woods : their rustling robes 
Of mildest tints, create within my soul 
Emotions meet for melancholy song ! 
See, Winter in white robes, with icy spear, 
Comes slowly o'er the northern hills snow-capp'd. 
Then pause with Nature, ye that live estranged 
Amid the city's roar ; and list the voice 
That calls you forth to cull emotions sweet, 
And gaze entranced across the garnished woods. 
Mark how the forest now hath doffed its green, 
And Nature dons her cloak of many hues ; 
Now reigns the holy beauty of Decay ! 
How calmly sleeps the lake : the coloured woods 
Reflected on its face in thousand tints 
Now flash across that dome of thought the mind 
And brighter lift Imagination's eye. 
Like rainbows wreck'd, all the gay woods do sing, 
The Hawthorn hedge gleams like the Pheasant's breast. 
Its silvery candelabra's lights long out 
The Chestnut sweeps, in saffron hues, the lawn. 
Skirting the field the Whin, repellant, throws 
His golden offering at grim Winter's feet ; 
And, "beautiful for ever," daisies lift 
Their sleepy eyes to the receding sun. 
See how Betula dreams herself away, 
Or showers her myriad leaves on brakens brown ; 
Sambucas, glittering, floods the groves with wine. 

James Rigg

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