"I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom. I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet

22 July 2012


Il Mostro skipper Kenny Reed interviewed about the Chicago to Mackinac race ...

LOC: What do you remember about the Mac?

KR: I always tell people that after sailing around the world 2 1/3 times, that the windiest conditions I have ever sailed in was about 5 hours after the start of the Chicago Mac! I believe we saw 65 knots on the wind speed dial. I remember a really black cloud coming at us on Renegade and Wally Cross asking me if I wanted to drive. I said "sure what the heck" but the next thing I know we are careening downwind with a full main and no jib in 50 knots of wind.

I still recall one of the guys sitting next to me saying how there was a really big puff coming. I thought to myself, how much bigger can this puff be? Next thing I remember its blowing 65 and the boat is fully out of control. We kept the boat under the mast though and I believe that squall broke about four spars in the fleet and countless blown out sails. Pretty wild! I have great respect for that place.

At this time, Il Mostro has a significant lead over WINDQUEST as the boats are doing battle up "Big Blue." Beat to quarters here.

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