21 September 2024

Happy Birthday, King

“There are holes in the middle of things,” Homer said, and he sat up straighter, like he  was mad. “Right in the damn middle of things, not even to the left or right where your p’riph’ral vision is and you could say ‘Well, but hell—’ They are there and you go around them like you’d go around a pothole in the road that would break an axle. You know? And  you forget it. Or like if you are plowin, you can plow a dip. But if there’s somethin like a break in the earth, where you see darkness, like a cave might be there, you say ‘Go around, old hoss. Leave that alone! I got a good shot over here to the left’ards.’ Because it wasn’t a cave you was lookin for, or some kind of college excitement, but good plowin. Holes in the middle of things.'” 

He fell still a long time then and I let him be still. Didn’t have no urge to move him. 

Stephen King, born on this day in 1947, from "Mrs. Todd's Shortcut"

Thanks to Kurt for introducing me so long ago.

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