01 August 2024

Happy Birthday, Clark

Peale, C.W., William Clark, 1810

August 1, 1806
at 2 P. M. I was obliged to land to let the Buffalow cross over. not withstanding an island of half a mile in width over which this gangue of Buffalow had to pass and the chanel of the river on each side nearly 1/4 of a mile in width, this gangue of Buffalow was entirely across and as thick as they could swim. the chanel on the side of the island the[y] went into the river was crouded with those animals for 1/2 an hour. (I was obliged to lay to for one hour) the other Side of the island for more than 3/4 of an hour. ... two gangues of Buffalow crossed a little below us, as noumerous as the first.

William Clark, born on this day in 1770, from his journals

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