29 May 2024

Happy Birthday, Henry

The Library of Congress describes Patrick Henry's rousing 29th birthday, ...
On his twenty-ninth birthday, as a new member of Virginia’s House of Burgesses, Henry presented a series of resolutions: the Virginia Resolves on the Stamp Act External, which opposed Britain’s Stamp Act. The Resolves were adopted on May 30, 1765. He concluded his introduction of the Resolves with the fiery words “Caesar had his Brutus, Charles the First his Cromwell, and George the Third—” when, it is reported, voices cried out, “Treason! treason!” “—and George the Third may profit by their example! If this be treason make the most of it." 

Not taking selfies holding his frappucino, not staring in the mirror at himself in his Fortnite onesie, not blowing doobage out of a battery-operated cancer-stick, no, Patrick Henry was publicly dedicating himself to self-evident truths, the pursuit of opportunity, and the superiority of republican government ... bruh.

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