20 July 2023

Happy Birthday, Petrarch

Unknown (attrib. Italian Pictoral School), Francesco Petrarch, c. 1370

Zephyr returns and brings fair weather,
and the flowers and herbs, his sweet family,
and Procne singing and Philomela weeping,
and the white springtime, and the vermilion.

The meadows smile, and the skies grow clear:
Jupiter is joyful gazing at his daughter:
the air and earth and water are filled with love:
every animal is reconciled to loving.

But to me, alas, there return the heaviest
sighs, that she draws from the deepest heart,
who took the keys of it away to heaven:
and the song of little birds, and the flowering fields,
and the sweet, virtuous actions of women
are a wasteland to me, of bitter and savage creatures.

Petrarch, born on this day in 1304

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