06 June 2023


Ari Weinzweig on the quiet power of gentleness ...
Gentleness is hardly ever held up as a characteristic of strong leaders, nor is it regularly taught in leadership training programs. If you look for it though, you will almost surely find gentleness in abundance even in places where stereotypes might lead you to believe it isn’t present ...

There are two ways I’m reminded now that I have already been advocating gentleness for many years. One melds a pasta metaphor with positive leadership—I call it “Al Dente Management.” As per proper pasta cooking, in Italian it means “tender but firm.” It’s as effective in leadership as it is in the kitchen. Be gentle in the way we go about things, but be (tenderly) firm in asking for accountability. The other is what I call “Raising the GNP.” GNP has a meaning in economics, but here in the ZCoB it stands for “Gentle, Never-ending Pressure.” Kept up softly, delivered always with dignity, it does tend to get things done! 

Keep reminding me. 

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