26 March 2023


Michelangelo, David, 1504

The truest evidence that any civilization ever leaves behind about itself is its art. Art never lies.

Waldemar Januszczak

Teachers ...
  1. Know your students.  Go the extra mile to understand them (you'll get older; they'll stay the same age).
  2. Understand your craft (it's not a science).
  3. Understand your subject (this never ends).
  4. Understand the stories (be a master storyteller).
  5. Don't lecture; it's not about you (ever).
  6. Provide means of inspiration (see number 1).
  7. Nurture investigation (control is an illusion; the best lessons are the unplanned ones)
  8. Ask more questions (of everything and everyone).
  9. Declare less (see number 5).
  10. Be transparent.

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