16 December 2022


Andrew, The Boston Tea Party, Destruction of the Tea in Boston Harbor, December 16th, 1773, 1856

The Boston Tea Party took place on this day in 1773.

John Adams, from his diary, December 17, 1773 ...
The Dye is cast: The People have passed the River and cutt away the Bridge: last Night Three Cargoes of Tea, were emptied into the Harbour. This is the grandest, Event, which has ever yet happened Since, the Controversy, with Britain, opened!  The Sublimity of it, charms me!

The People should never rise, without doing something to be remembered—something notable And striking. This Destruction of the Tea is so bold, so daring, so firm, intrepid and inflexible, and it must have so important Consequences, and so lasting, that I cant but consider it as an Epocha in History.

The Question is whether the Destruction of this Tea was necessary?  I apprehend it was absolutely and indispensably so.

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