02 August 2022


Walter Benjamin said, "The work is the death mask of its conception."  Time is zero-sum.  The best meetings happen between those who want to learn from those who have an insight and desire to be understood.  

The best meetings are never, ever scheduled.  Ever. Let all the children boogie.
We learned not to meet anymore,
We don't raise our eyes to one another,
But we ourselves won't guarantee
What could happen to us in an hour.

The celebrations
Of secret nonmeetings are empty,
Unspoken conversations,
Unuttered words.
Glances that don't intersect
Don't know where to come to rest.
And only the tears rejoice
Because they can flow and flow.
Sweetbrier around Moscow,
Alas! Somehow it is here ...
And all this they will call
Love eternal.

How the miracle of our meeting
Shone there and sang,
I didn't want to return
From there to anywhere.
Happiness instead of duty
Was bitter delight to me.
Not obliged to speak to anyone,
I spoke for a long while.
Let passions stifle lovers,
Demanding answers,
We, my dear, are only souls
At the limits of the world.

Anna Akhmatova

Pictured (l-r): Rollins, Strummer, Rubin, Cash 

Johnny Cash is still overrated.

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