17 July 2021


WIRED on how the pandemic created "a new, more diverse, more connected crop of homeschoolers. They could help shape what learning looks like for everyone"...
Families shared a number of forces that drove them away from public and private schools. Some were exhausted by the glitchy mayhem of remote learning. Other BFHES families pulled their children from schools after they overheard how teachers spoke to their children, admonishing students who didn’t maintain eye contact or keep cameras on ...

But when it comes to actually deciding how to allot each hour in a child’s learning day, parents are pretty much given carte blanche. This could be a barrier for parents considering homeschooling: Building a curriculum from scratch can be daunting, especially when you multiply the effort for each kid. But especially in the extremely online Covid era, curriculum resources are as bottomless as the internet itself. Parents describe their homegrown curriculum design the way one might rattle off a cocktail recipe: practice worksheets from ABCMouse.com, videos from TED Talks for Kids, and a few minutes of the Happy Learning YouTube channel, for garnish ... 
“It makes me feel proud of myself,” she says. “It makes me feel like I did something right.”

It's new.

Feel proud.  You deserve it.  

Don't forget Teachers Pay Teachers for those worksheets.  Oh, and stickers, kids love stickers.  They'll make work in the "obliteration room" so totally, like, post-worthy.  

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