07 June 2021


Returning to a summer classic ...

From Book Two: Brideshead Deserted ...
A party was being given that night in Regent's Park for the 'Black Birds' who had newly arrived in England.  One of us had been asked and thither we all went.  

To us, who frequented Bricktop's and the Bal Nègre in the Rue Blomet, there was nothing particularly remarkable in the spectacle; I was scarcely inside the door when I heard an unmistakable voice, an echo from what now seemed a distant past.

 "No," it said, "they are not animals in a zoo, Mulcaster, to be goggled at. They are artists, my dear, very great artists, to be revered."

Anthony Blanche and Boy Mulcaster were at the table where the wine stood.
"Thank God here's someone I know," said Mulcaster, as I joined them. "Girl brought me. Can't see her anywhere."

"She's given you the slip, my dear, and do you know why? Because you look ridiculously out of place, Mulcaster. It isn't your kind of party at all; you ought not to be here; you ought to go away, you know, to the Old Hundredth or some lugubrious dance in Belgrave Square."

"Just come from one," said Mulcaster. "Too early for the Old Hundredth. I'll stay on a bit. Things may cheer up."

Evelyn Waugh, from Brideshead Revisited
Lunch and poetry from Charles Sturridge and Michael Lindsay-Hogg's 1981 adaptation ...

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