18 June 2021


Singleton, Admiral Vernon, 1793

Whereas it manifestly appears to be the unanimous opinion of both Captains and Surgeons, that the pernicious custom of the seamen drinking their allowance of rum in drams, and often at once, is attended with many fatal effects to their morals as well as their health...and which...cannot be better remedied than by ordering their half pint of rum to be daily mixed with a quart of water, which they that are good husbandmen may purchase sugar and limes to make more palatable to them.

Admiral Edward "Old Grogram" Vernon, August 21, 1740

As a tradition (shouting) ...
A toast then to Horatio, and another to the Queen
And may we all, 
Wherever we are,
Remember where we’ve been

Grog (traditional)
  • 1 part rum
  • 4 parts water 
  • add limes as your pockets will allow
To be generally distributed between 11 and noon, and then again between 4 and 6 in the after-noon.

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