26 November 2020


An excellent book ...

In the end, both sides wanted what the Pilgrims had been looking for in 1620: a place unfettered by obligations to others. But from the moment Massasoit decided to become the Pilgrims’ ally, New England belonged to no single group. For peace and for survival, others must be accommodated. The moment any of them gave up on the difficult work of living with their neighbors—and all of the compromise, frustration, and delay that inevitably entailed—they risked losing everything. It was a lesson that Bradford and Massasoit had learned over the course of more than three long decades. That it could be so quickly forgotten by their children remains a lesson for us today.

Nathaniel Philbrick, from Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community, and War

From 2008, Philbrick's appearance on BookTV ... HERE.

Philbrick contributed greatly to the PBS classic, The Pilgrims ... HERE

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