09 April 2020


In light of the novel coronavirus pandemic ravaging the world, the famous saying “not all heroes wear capes” applies to more and more people every day. The doctors and the rest of the medical staff fighting the virus on the frontlines, all the people who can’t stay home and are going to work every day, keeping our civilization intact and functioning as it’s supposed to – shopkeepers, cashiers, electricians, plumbers, garbagemen, you name it. We also can’t forget the people who are locking themselves at home so they can relieve at least some of the tension on the healthcare system of their country.

And yet another hero has joined these forces. Canadian boy scout Quinn Callander recently responded to the call of help by his local hospital and figured out a brilliant way to relieve some of the pain the medical workers have to deal with from wearing protective gear all day long every single day on the frontlines.

He figured he would use his 3D-printing skills to create an “ear guard” for medical workers who have to wear masks all day.

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