07 February 2020


In Cumberland they built them,
On hills that surely must have killed them,
Through broom and juniper and stunted ling,
Two thousand feet over,
With just a tarpaulin cover,
They crouched in wind and rain and waited for the spring. 
Dave Goulder
Building walls is an antique art that has endured for thousands of years. Extant dry-stone walls, built without the use of mortar or any binding agent, can be dated as far back as 3500 BCE. In the UK, the Celts developed boundary walls or field walls as they transitioned from nomadic pastoralism to settled farming. Farmers built stock-proof walls to confine their livestock. They reformed natural rocky outcrops into useful barriers. They used stone to create irregular systems of dikes and ditches.

If Walls Could Talk ...

Go with Dry Stone Walling! ...

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