11 November 2018


A Veterans Day message from Jocko Willink ...

I am no longer envious of the awards I see on the chests of our military men and women. I am older now. I have been to war. I know that each little dangling piece of metal was paid for at great cost in blood and sacrifice. I know that many of those awards came in combination with fallen comrades. I know that for almost every decoration that adorns the chest of a service member, there are also mental and physical scars that will forever ache.

And yet America’s veterans hold their heads high. They fight on through the pain of loss and find new missions and continue to serve in our military or in the civilian sector. Older generations of veterans protected and then built our great nation. This current generation of veterans is doing the same.

The young boy I was didn’t understand war. How could I?

I’m a little older now. I see a little more. I know a little more. And I know that veterans sacrifice immensely.

I know that our nation’s servicemen and women put duty to country above themselves.

I know that they serve not for medals or glory – but for a cause greater than themselves: Freedom.

I know that when our nation called, they answered.

Generations of veterans have stepped up and held the line against evil in the world.

And to that, I am eternally grateful.


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