10 March 2018

America: From the Ground Up!

WCMU's presentation of America: From the Ground Up!

Episode 1: America's Lost Civilization (800 AD - 1600 AD)
Dig into the archaeology of Cahokia, a Native American city of 30,000 people and the spiritual heart of a civilization that stretched from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico.

Episode 2: The Fur Trade (1600 AD - 1750 AD)
Join Monty on an expedition to discover the archaeology of the Fur Trade. From Quebec to the Great Lakes the archaeology of the forts and settlements of the frontier record the story.

Episode 3: World War America (1750 AD - 1775 AD)
Join Monty as he digs into the archaeology of the forts along the contended border zone between Colonial America and New France that tell the story of the French and Indian War from the ground up.

Episode 4: Revolution (1775 AD - 1783 AD)
From the siege of Quebec to exploring shipwrecks from Benedict Arnold’s defeat on Lake Champlain to the forts of the Great Lakes: Monty digs into the archaeology of America’s War for Independence.

Episode 5: The Science of Archaeology
Above the ground with satellites and helicopters and below the surface with geophys and underwater sonar mapping, Monty digs into the science behind archaeological discoveries.

Episode 6: War of 1812
Monty digs into the archaeology of the shipwrecks and forts that tell the secret history of America's second war for independence: the War of 1812.

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