30 August 2016

Happy birthday, Brown.

Dance, Capability Brown, 1773

Lancelot "Capability" Brown was born on this day in 1716.

Lancelot Brown changed the face of eighteenth century England, designing country estates and mansions, moving hills and making flowing lakes and serpentine rivers, a magical world of green. The English landscape style spread across Europe and the world. It proved so pleasing that Brown’s influence moved into the lowland landscape at large and into landscape painting.

Brown, Harewood, 1781

Alan Titchmarsh celebrates the 300th anniversary of his lifelong horticultural hero, Lancelot "Capability" Brown. Alan travels to Kirkharle, in Northumberland, Brown’s birthplace, to discover the roots of this English visionary. He also visits Stowe in Buckinghamshire, where Brown lived for ten years and created a garden that was to change the course of English gardening.

Episode One

Episode Two

Episode Three

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