09 December 2014


In 1517 Hernan Cortes received his first taste of Montezuma’s beloved drink, Xocolatl, as part of a royal welcome.  Montezuma and the Aztec people falsely believed Cortes to be the reincarnation of Quetzalcoatl, and thus paid him the homage of a god, welcoming him into the city.  Montezuma realized his mistake too late, shortly before being taken prisoner by Cortes.  By 1519 Cortes had conquered Montezuma’s entire kingdom and gained possession of an enormous store of chcahuatl worth a king’s, or in this case an emperor’s, ransom.  It is said that Montezuma drank 50 cups of Xocolatl every day from a golden vessel, often before going to his harem. 


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