02 November 2014


We’re going back to the Moon. For good.

Why? Our Moon---the ‘eighth continent’---has a land area larger than Brazil and North America put together…and people have only been to 5% of it! There are amazing natural wonders, valuable resources, and unsolved mysteries waiting to be discovered.

Unfortunately, getting to the Moon hasn’t been very cost-effective---yet. And that’s where the Google Lunar XPRIZE comes in: $30 million in prizes designed to inspire pioneers to do robotic space transport on a budget. Teams from around the world are well on their way to accomplishing this  and ushering in a new era of space frontiers!

To win the grand prize ($20 million), private teams (with no more than 10% in government funding) must:

• Land a robot safely on the Moon
• Move 500 meters on, above, or below the Moon’s surface; and
• Send back HDTV Mooncasts for everyone to enjoy

….and this must all be completed before the December 31st, 2015 deadline! There are other prizes, too, for missions like surviving the lunar night and visiting an Apollo site.

In the spirit of Charles Lindbergh, we want to break open space the same way he broke open aviation. Join us---as we open up the Moon, and create an epic future in space for all of us!

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