29 January 2013


Curtis, Fishing, 1908

How to Create Habit Investments
It’s a fairly simple process that you can repeat with various types of habit investments:
  1. Pick something desirable. If you repeatedly do this activity, what will it grow into? Is that what you want?
  2. Do just a minute or two of it. You can’t build it all up in the next few days. That’s a good recipe for failure. Just do 1-2 minutes of it today. Smile as you do it.
  3. Set a daily reminder. Let’s say you want to do it every day at about 6:30 a.m. Set a reminder for that time, and make it a priority to do it each day, just for a minute or two.
  4. Watch it grow. If you just do it repeatedly, it will grow. Don’t force it. Keep the repeated activity as small as possible for as long as you can if you want it to grow (it sounds paradoxical, but it works).
Read the rest at zenhabits.

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