01 July 2012

Paul Weller

Route of the Kings, Hyde Park , July 28, 2002

1. Sunflower
2. Bull Rush/Magic Bus
3. Friday Street

4. Hung Up
5. A Bullet For Everyone
6. Whirlpool's End

7. Leafy Mysteries
8. Up In Suzie's Room
9. All Good Books

10. Can You Heal Us, Holy Man?

11. This Is No Time
12. Foot Of The Mountain
13. Broken Stones

14. Picking Up Sticks
15. You Do Something To Me
16. Stanley Road

17. Out Of The Sinking
18. Peacock Suit
19. Into Tomorrow
20. The Changing Man

21. Standing Out In The Universe
22. Wild Wood

23. Call Me No. 5
24. Woodcutter's Son

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