24 July 2012


Ben Weinlick on Richard Feynman, Spinning Plates and Serious Play ...

Now, in most books, magazines, and websites about creativity you’ll find a section talking about how creative moments often occur when we are relaxed, daydreaming, surprised, least expect it or doing something totally different from trying to solve a problem. It is common now to hear that you can enhance creativity through putting time in to changing up routines, daydreaming and reflecting.

However, when putting conscious time in to taking breaks and daydreaming it doesn’t mean you now have an excuse to be lazy. It also doesn’t mean you should just go sit around watching street performers, or plate spinners and expect Nobel winning Eureka moments to emerge. There is a pattern that needs to be there for relevant creative ideas to arise. In a nutshell the pattern is something like this…

Focus on a creative challenge for a bit…then let go… repeat many times ...

Focus ... Let Go ...

If we look a bit deeper the general pattern has the following features…

Read the rest at Think Jar Collective.

Here's Richard Feynman and The Pleasure of Finding Things Out"

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