25 January 2012


"(Fielder's agent) Scott Boras has always been able to do very good work with Mike Ilitch, the Tigers owner who just wants to give Detroit a championship," Gammons said. "He just wants people to come to downtown Detroit to be happy about something one way or another."

Gammons took it a step further, calling the signing an act of charity by Ilitch toward the city.

"They don't have to worry on the Tigers, about losing money," Gammons said. "That's a fact of life. You can't do that in Cleveland. You can't do that in Kansas City. You can't do that in most cities. The Tigers have done it because Mike Ilitch wants to give people in Detroit something to be joyous about. In some ways, to me, he's one of the most charitable men in America."

Read the rest at MLive.

Fielder gives the Tigers one of the premier left-handed sluggers in the game, a guy in his 20s who has already had a 50-homer season and a 141-RBI season, led his league in intentional walks last year, and finished third in the National League's MVP voting. He and right-handed Miguel Cabrera will be a nightmare for pitchers in the heart of the Detroit order.

Albom has more at The Freep.

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