Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on this date in 1756.
As death (considered precisely) is the real purpose of our life, for several years I have become so closely acquainted with this true and best friend of life, that his image is not only no longer terrifying to me, but rather something very soothing and comforting! And I thank my God for affording me, in his grace, the opportunity (you understand me) of realizing that he is the key to our real happiness -- I never lie down in bed without that (young as I am) I may not live to see the next day -- and yet no one, especially among those who know me, can say that in daily life I am stubborn or sad -- and for this happiness I give thanks to my Creator every day and wish every man the same, from the bottom of my heart ...
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, from H.C. Robbins Landon's 1791: Mozart's Last Year
Here, Peter Ustinov narrates The Mozart Mystique ...
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