14 October 2011


It is the loveliest old shop straight out of Dickens, you would go absolutely out of your mind over it. There are stalls outside and I stopped and leafed through a few things just to establish myself as a browser before wandering in. It's dim inside, you smell the shop before you see it, it's a lovely smell, I can't articulate it easily, but it combines must and dust and age, and walls of wood and floors of wood. Towards the back of the shop at the left there's a desk with a work lamp on it, a man was sitting there, he was about fifty with a Hogarth nose, he looked up and said "Good afternoon" in a north Country accent and I said I just wanted to browse and he said please do. The shelves go on forever. They go up to the ceiling and they are very old and grey, like old oak that has absorbed so much dust over the years they no longer are their true color.

Here's a serviceable copy.

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