04 August 2011


Tonight, The Ghosts of Summers Past paid me a visit ...

Sandy two-tracks
Blue jays
Up early
Pine trees
Sand dust between my toes
"Jump The Dump"
Wobbling at dinner from being on the water all day
Pipe smoke
Wet swim trunks
Black squirrels
The smell of two-cyle exhaust
The halyard on the flag pole ... WIND!
Ginger ale
That oxidized-copper-green dock decking
Paper birch
Salami sandwiches
Wave-rippled sand underwater in the morning
The cedar smell of the bedrooms upstairs
Perch-scented hands
Planters peanuts
"Trunk slammers"
Chicken on the grill ... skin.
Sitting and listening to Dad and Uncle Fred

Adrian Johnston, "Always Summer"

Thanks, Dad. Thanks, Uncle Fred ... you, too, Sarge.

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