26 June 2011


The Tigers retired Spary Anderson's number 11 this afternoon.

"For all the years I was blessed to be there, I never saw nothing like how those Tiger fans were. Those people were the real deal. Detroit is the king of the working-class people. How can you not love a city where the fans sweat hard for 8 hours a day and then come out to scream for their team and die a little bit every time the Tigers lost?"

The Free Press provides plenty in praise of Sparky here.

By the way, the line on Verlander last night ... Freight Train went 8 innings, allowing no hits, 1 base-on-balls, firing a career-high 14 Ks.

In the eigth he had 2nd and 3rd with nobody out and he ended up striking out the side, and hitting 100 m.p.h. on his 116th pitch. Boy can bring it.

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