02 December 2010


We are mere participants in natural cycles, not the kings of them.

- Jim Harrison

The austerity of a bleak and blustery, late-autumn day ... nature preparing to hibernate.

It's also dying.

Cyclical or linear, life is uncertain.

Yesterday ... a day that, beginning to end, was nothing like I planned or expected. It was a day that was filled with hours of immense joy and exhilaration; simple wonder and sublime beauty. It ended under the purple-gray weight of uncertainty, fear, and frustration. A time in which blessings were to be remembered ... and counted.

Control is an illusion ... so live.

Fully, though simply.

Boldly, though reverently.

What will be the last song you hear? The last story you read? The last sunset you watch?

Make it count. Don't get caught short.

Hold hands, fingers intertwined.

Smile big, cheek-straining smiles.

Hug long, earnest, authentic hugs.

Kiss warmly.

Listen patiently.

Love fervently.

Live ...

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